Hey Beautiful!
I hope you are happy and healthy! Here’s my latest Saturday 7 of what’s inspiring me and contributing to my adventure…
1. Making My Own Nut Milk – Since going dairy-free over a year ago, my main creamy staples have been almond milk, coconut milk, and hemp milk. Until recently, they’ve always been store-bought. Making nut milk is so incredibly easy and actually tastes 1000% (no exaggeration!) more creamy and delicious when you make it at home. I blend soaked almonds and cashews together in a 5:1 ratio to get a mostly almond nut milk with the added cashew creaminess. I add a few dates and drops of stevia for light sweetness and a dash of vanilla bean powder. But the big secret to making this a pleasant experience is using this nut bag to make the whole process foolproof. The bag includes recipes too!
2. Paying it Forward – I like to start the new year by reviewing my closets and donating anything I know I haven’t used once in the past year. This year much of what I purged were business suits and nice shoes. I chose to donate them to our local women’s shelter, InterAct, in Raleigh, NC. Who’s life could you make better this year through a closet cleaning donation?
3. Quote I’m Integrating – “Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.” – Coco Chanel
4. Radical Thought I’m Having – I am infinite beauty in a body.
5. Recipe I’m Recommending – Just google “the benefits of chia seeds” and prepare to have your mind blown. Then check out this amazing recipe for chia seed pudding in all its glorious variations. I love having this for breakfast! Move over smoothies… this is my new go-to, easy breakfast!
6. The Journey of a Lifetime – THIS may be exactly the message you need to hear right now. What a poignant conversation from the gorgeous Lisa Nichols.
7. Two Amazing Offers – We are currently running two amazing specials! “$20.18 off orders $99+” using coupon code BEST18 (Expires 11:59 PM PST 1/14/18) and ‘Buy 2 Eyeshadows get 3 Eyeshadows FREE” with coupon code ECO18 (Expires 11:59 PM PST 1/21/18). Both of these offers come with free shipping.
Thank you for being!
Love & Light,
CEO & Founder | Afterglow Cosmetics