Hey Beautiful!
Here’s my list of little treasures I’ve uncovered recently that are making me happy, healthy, and more beautiful inside and out this week. Please note that some of the links below may randomly be affiliates. Enjoy!
1. Don’t be Jealous – I don’t mean to brag but… I just picked up a generic version of the pricy EpiPen brand called Epinephrine for a mere $9.99 at CVS! I don’t even have insurance! Last year, the makers the epinephrine injectable that saves lives for those with severe allergies to food and insect stings jacked their Epipen price up to an unconscionable $600! Thankfully, the market responded. Just waltz into your nearest CVS and plunk down this coupon with your prescription and get your shiny new 2 Epinephrine pen pack for $9.99. Please forward this coupon to anyone you know that carries Epinephrine!
2. Awareness and Shifting the Vibe – I’ve become very sensitive to the way conversations turn, and how we frame our experiences as “bad” or “good”. Often when a situation is annoying or goes sour, the comment will be made, “It’s always something, isn’t it?!” which immediately skews the vibe negative with a heavy thud. In my mind (and sometimes out loud) I like to counteract that by musing, “That’s an interesting point of view.” and “But how good can it get!?!”
3. Quote I’m Integrating – “Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.” – Maya Angelou
4. Feeling Results – I’m a full two months into my hormone shifting diet guided by the amazing online program, Cooking for Balance by Magdalena Wszelaki. At this point, I have a whole laundry list of notable shifts that have happened in my body, but the biggest one is that my endometriosis pain, that plagued me every month, all month long, is gone! If you suffer from thyroid issues, Hashimoto’s, adrenal fatigue, PMS, infertility, peri-/menopause, PCOS, endometriosis, estrogen dominance, fibroids, breast lumps/cancer check out Magdalena’s free intro workshop here.
5. Getting Sweeter with – Omica Organics Stevia There’s simply too much evidence about the insanely damaging effects of sugar on the body to ignore at this point. Unfortunately, the healthy defacto sugar sub, stevia, can have a bad/bitter aftertaste. What’s a sweet tooth to do? Try Omica Organics Stevia. Their processing is different, it’s cleaner and eliminates the aftertaste. I was so inspired after listening to the owner talk about their conscious manufacturing processes that I went out and bought some. I don’t regret it at all. Delish! I’m using this flavor.
7. Natural Beauty Product I’m Loving – I just uploaded our latest video which details the what, why and how to for our Organic Infused Calm Cover concealer. This is the perfect redness cancelling product for acne and blemishes. Check it out and please don’t forget to like the video and subscribe to our channel!
Thanks for staying present!
Love & Light,